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3 years ago
I'm hoping to find if I can get a great girl to be my love and to make me the happiest man on the planet if she could do that I would make her my goddess and do what ever I could.
3 years ago
I love this clip. They both looked like they were having a great time with each other. I wish I knew their screen names.
1 year ago
What's is garils name?
Martin Kapitan 1 year ago
Nnooo, panecku, krasavec..koukam ze take stale dokazes…a jelikoz sex je muj spoustec, jak by rekl Dejmek, budu to mit stejne nejspis do konce zivota. Zdravi Jeden z party darebaku ….p.s. Rad bych te videl a mluvil s tebou…poslu ti na fb zadost ..bud se ozves nebo ne…good luck anyway
Anónimo 2 years ago
Nombre los quejidos son automáticos