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1 year ago
This chick loves dick omfg
10 months ago
To those setting off fireworks: Fuck you, you fucking FUCKS! You are scaring my dogs! They are terrified. We have to drug them for days when it's 4th of july. It would be one thing if they confined it all to one day, but no, theyve got to fuck around with them for 3 or 4 days on either side of Independence day. And all you fucks setting off what sound like M80s in your back fucking yard, FUCK YOU!!! You are self-centered, emotionally stunted maggots. There is no justice.
ana 9 months ago
Fuck me girl
so hot fuck me please 2 years ago
Uwu uwu
Dom torreto 2 years ago
Mec c’est degueulasse c’est ta famille